Saturday, February 28, 2009

2009 Febraury 28th connection411

connection411 is a weekly email update of the Ransomville Free Methodist Church for the purpose of connecting all people to Jesus. Items from this post may be shared or copied for friends without permission as long as credit is given to it’s origination.

Snapshot (click on the hyperlink below to read each particular snapshot item)

· Weakly Trivia Question

· This Weekend @ RFMC

· Mission Mississippi Fundraising

· Fusion Groups

· Crown Financial Fusion Groups

· Financial Aid 101

· DivorceCare Group

· Ministry Team Meeting Rescheduled

· ABC Pre-School Seeks Teacher

· Now You Can Blog connection411

· Last Week’s Trivia Question/Answer

Weakly Trivia Question

Yes – I know I spelled it weakly and not weekly. This is not going to be the strongest of connection411 features, but it could prove to be fun! First one to correctly respond will receive a piece of DOVE chocolate. . .

This week’s weakly question: Names are very important to people – we all love it when someone is able to call us by name! That’s why it is so important for us to work on knowing each other and being able to call one another by name. For all the chocolate – what are the middle names of Pastor Bill and Pastor Greg?

First one with the right answer gets the chocolate!

Email your answers to . . .

This Weekend @ RFMC

Now there are two opportunities each weekend to worship with God’s people – Saturdays at iWorship 5:07pm and Sundays at 10:00am. The message at both services will be the same, while the format and worship music will differ slightly.


This week, Pastor Greg Harp continues a sermon series – James – Walk By Faith. This sermon series has been birthed out of a sense that we need to get deep into the Word, and that we need not just a theoretical faith, but a real faith for a real world.

The message this week is titled, “Transforming Advice” based on James 1:19-21

Saturday iWorship, and Sunday 10 AM Worship is being led by Pastor Greg and the rest of the Worship Team Band. Please lift all of these people up in prayer. Pastor Greg and his family have left for Myrtle Beach for a week of vacation.

Join us, and why not bring a friend to hear this wonderful message of grace!

Mission Mississippi Update

Plans for our Mission Mississippi trip are progressing. We have reserved transportation and lodging. The next step is to begin the fundraising process. We will need to raise about $9,000. Members who have signed up for the trip will be sending out letters to their family and friends seeking support.

Another way the group is planning to raise funds is via a spaghetti dinner March 21st at 6:30pm – put it on you calendar and plan to attend with lots of friends!

On April 24th, we plan also to have a garage sale here at RFMC! We are now seeking donations of goods to sell. As you begin your spring cleaning please consider setting aside a box of items you no longer need. Donations will be accepted the week prior to the sale. See Pastor Greg for the details.

The team will be leaving for Mississippi on Easter Sunday and will return on the 19th. They will be working on renovating homes damaged by hurricane Katrina. Please be in prayer for the team as they continue to prepare.

Fusion Groups

We believe that the Christian experience is best understood when lived out within community. That is why our Fusion Groups are so important to successful Christian living.

Our Fusion Groups have begun to meet! You may still sign up for your group this weekend at the Welcome Center – there are seven groups to choose from . . .

Mondays 7pm George & Karen Bell’s home

Tuesdays 7pm Pastor Bill & Linda Lowery’s home

7pm Peg & Paul Saya’s home (Lewiston)

7pm Patti Leathers’ home (Town of Cambria)

8pm College aged group with Havalah Lowery (this group will meet following Vintage at the Chapel)

WEDNESDAY 630pm Pastor Ron & Donna Logan will host a Divorce Recovery group that will meet at the church.

Thursday 7pm Pastor Greg & Tracy Harp’s home (this group will focus on parenting)

We hope you will consider joining a small group. They are a great way to go deeper in your faith journey and get to know people better.

Crown Financial Fusion Groups

Do you know what God has to say about money? Are your finances stressing you out? Crown is a bible based study of finances and stewardship and can change your life! A second round of groups has begun and there is still time to join so we encourage you to sign up at the Welcome Center. The groups are for 10 weeks and there are 3 different choices for meeting times. Cost for singles is $49.00 and $59.00 for couples. If you would like to know more about Crown, check them out on the web at or call Eric & Malinda Coleman or Dan & Erica Swiatek (group facilitators).

Financial Aid 101

If you or someone you know is considering going to college there are certain things you should know when it comes to financial aid. A Free Financial Aid 101 course is being offered at: Ransomville Free Methodist Church on Wednesday March 11th from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. The class will be taught by Erica Swiatek who previously worked in the Financial Aid industry for over four years.

DivorceCare Group Available

DivorceCare is one of our Fusion Groups designed for those who are separated or divorced. It’s a place you can be around people who understand what you are feeling. It’s a place where you can hear valuable information about ways to heal the hurt of divorce. Pastor Ron and Donna are facilitating this group on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the church library.

Ministry Team Rescheduled

The next Ministry TEAM meeting is to be held on Saturday, March 28th at 8:30am – 10:30am. This is an opportunity for all persons who are involved in any ministry of RFMC to receive encouragement and training. Please make every effort to attend this event! This meeting is crucial!

ABC Pre-School Seeks Teacher

The ABC Nursery School is looking to fill the Pre-K teacher position for the 2009-2010 school year. If you are interested please contact the Director, Ann Austin at 791.3971. Applications will be available on Monday, January 26th at the school office, and must be returned by Monday, February 23rd.

Now You Can Blog connection411

connection411 is not just for email anymore! You now can now view and read connection411 at a new Now those with dialup can still access the connection411 without the download. Make every opportunity to share this family and friends. It’s a great way to stay connected!

Last Weeks Trivia Question/Answer

This week’s weakly question: This past week Pastor Greg and his family have been vacationing --- what has been their primary vacation destination, city and state please?

Answer: Myrtle Beach is the answer we were looking for . . .

The winner of the chocolate - - -Carol Bailey!

For King and Kingdom!!!!

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

2009 February 21 connection

connection411 is a weekly email update of the Ransomville Free Methodist Church for the purpose of connecting all people to Jesus. Items from this post may be shared or copied for friends without permission as long as credit is given to it’s origination.

Snapshot (click on the hyperlink below to read each particular snapshot item)

· Weakly Trivia Question

· This Weekend @ RFMC

· Mission Mississippi Update

· Fusion Groups

· Crown Financial Fusion Groups

· Ministry Team Gathering

· Mission Mississippi

· ABC Pre-School Seeks Teacher

· Last Week’s Trivia Question/Answer

Weakly Trivia Question

Yes – I know I spelled it weakly and not weekly. This is not going to be the strongest of connection411 features, but it could prove to be fun! First one to correctly respond will receive a piece of DOVE chocolate. . .

This week’s weakly question: Pastor Bill believe it or not is a blogger. His blog is Currently PB is blogging on a particular subject --- what is the subject? What is one of the reasons?

While at his blog there is a place to enter your email so that anytime the blog is updated you will receive it in your email. Sign up today!

First one with the right answer gets the chocolate!

To read more on Jacob D. DeShazer (CLICK HERE!)

Email your answers to . . .

This Weekend @ RFMC

Now there are two opportunities each weekend to worship with God’s people – Saturdays at iWorship 5:07pm and Sundays at 10:00am. The message at both services will be the same, while the format and worship music will differ slightly.


This week, Pastor Bill Lowery continues a sermon series – James – Walk By Faith. “This sermon series has been birthed out of a sense that we need to get deep into the Word, and that we need not just a theoretical faith, but a real faith for a real world”, Pastor Bill said.

A wise saying is something that paints the truth with a clarity that cannot be missed but is also stated with a freshness that grabs our attention. This weekend we come upon one of those wise sayings. It is a sentence that if grasped and applied will transform our lives and change every relationship. The words were originally addressed to people who were going through tough times.

The message this week is titled, “Radical Simple Advice” based on James 1:19-21

Saturday iWorship is being led this week by Linda Williams, and Sunday 10 AM Worship is being led by Doug Magee and the rest of the Worship Team Band. Please lift all of these people up in prayer. Pastor Greg and his family have left for Myrtle Beach for a week of vacation.

Join us, and why not bring a friend to hear this wonderful message of grace!

Mission Mississippi Update

Pastor Greg has received 25 applications for the trip to Mississippi! They are planning for an incredible journey. As they prepare please be in prayer for their time, an affordable transportation option, fundraising as well as for the people they will be serving. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 25th at 6:30.

Fusion Groups

We believe that the Christian experience is best understood when lived out within community. That is why our Fusion Groups are so important to successful Christian living.

We are preparing for another round of small groups this spring. You may sign up for your group beginning this weekend at the Welcome Center – there are seven groups to choose from . . .

Mondays 7pm George & Karen Bell’s home

Tuesdays 7pm Pastor Bill & Linda Lowery’s home

7pm Peg & Paul Saya’s home (Lewiston)

7pm Patti Leathers’ home (Town of Cambria)

8pm College aged group with Havalah Lowery (this group will meet following Vintage at the Chapel)

Thursday 7pm Pastor Greg & Tracy Harp’s home (this group will focus on parenting)

Day TBA Pastor Ron & Donna Logan will host a Divorce Recovery group that will meet at the church.

Groups will start the week of February 22nd and run until Easter

We hope you will consider joining a small group. They are a great way to go deeper in your faith journey and get to know people better.

Crown Financial Fusion Groups

Do you know what God has to say about money? Are your finances stressing you out? Crown is a bible based study of finances and stewardship and can change your life! A second round of groups is beginning in February and we encourage you to sign up at the Welcome Center. The groups are for 10 weeks and there are 3 different choices for meeting times. Cost for singles is $49.00 and $59.00 for couples. If you would like to know more about Crown, check them out on the web at or call Eric & Malinda Coleman or Dan & Erica Swiatek (group facilitators).

Ministry Team Gathering

There will be a breakfast and training for all those on the Ministry Team on Saturday, March 7th from 8:30-10:30 am. Anyone at RFMC that is involved in serving the church in any way is on the ministry team. That includes those who usher, help in the kitchen, run the sound board, teach a class, run a small group, visit shut-ins, work in the nursery, help with music and more. This team is the heart of ministry to our church and community. After enjoying breakfast, there will be a short time of training. If you are interested in serving in the church, we invite to you join us! Call the office to reserve your spot, 791-3855.

Mission Mississippi

Mississippi or Bust!! Pastor Greg and the team are busy planning their trip to Mississippi to help rebuild homes. It will be an incredible journey. As they prepare please be in prayer for their time, an affordable transportation option, fundraising as well as for the people they will be serving. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 25th at 6:30.

ABC Pre-School Seeks Teacher

The ABC Nursery School is looking to fill the Pre-K teacher position for the 2009-2010 school year. If you are interested please contact the Director, Ann Austin at 791.3971. Applications will be available on Monday, January 26th at the school office, and must be returned by Monday, February 23rd.

Last Weeks Trivia Question/Answer

There are many Free Methodists who have greatly impacted their world, and are recognized as ordinary individuals living in extraordinary ways. One such person is Jacob DeShazer, who attended Seattle Pacific University. Jacob is known for a multitude of incredible things in his life. The trials and hardship of being a WWII POW and his role in the war, shaped him to later become a Free Methodist missionary to Japan. Oregon War Veterans Association(OWVA) nominated Jacob D. "Jake" DeShazer for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal noting his extraordinary impact on America as a war hero and for his heroic service to the people of Japan, where he is well known as a hero of peace and reconciliation. Since 1945 about 400 Gold Congressional Medals have been awarded.

What infamous group was Jacob DeShazer associated with during WWII and what was his official role?

Answer: Jacob DeShazer was a member of Doolittle’s Raiders. He was a staff sergeant and a bombardier.

The winner of the chocolate – Darcie Seider!